1 min read
24 May

1.         PRAYER:

It is God’s desire for every man to be responsible; first as a husband, then as a father. If you notice that your husband is not operating in this God given order, then you have works of prayer to do. Apart from the family prayer, devote time to pray for your husband, pray him to his position as the head in all area. Do not fold your hands and watch your husband’s position taking away by you or by someone else who is being of help to you or the family.                    

Bible reference: Ephesian 5:23

2.         HONOR:

There is yearn for honor in every man, it is their innate desire. God has created them that way, so who are you to change or question it. Humble yourself as a wife, stay in order, operate in the divine order that comes from God and watch what God will do for you in return for your act of obedience to God’s commandment.

            Bible reference: Ephesians 5:22-33; Colossians 3:18, 1Corinthians 11:3 

3.         FEEDING:

There is a popular saying that, a way to a man’s heart is food. There are three way you can feed a man:

•           Feeding with tasty food- Get to know your husband favorite food and intentionally cook his favorite food regularly.

•           Feeding with good sex- This is one of the reasons why marriage was instituted, it is meant to be enjoyed by husband and wife. It is not meant to be used as weapon against each other, it is meant to strengthen the cord of love between both parties. Work positively toward becoming better at it, ask if he enjoys it, identify what areas you need to improve on. 

•           Above all, feeding with God’s word- Dwell together in the word of God, a family that prays together stays together. Do not wait until there is an emergency before you pray, ensure to service your family alter very well together with the children; do not leave anyone in your household behind.


Funke Fasuru.