1 min read
20 Dec

In 1Corin 13- God required all His children to grow in love. It is a sign of maturity. It shows that we aspire to be like our Heavenly Father, who loves us despite us. If you don't have love, you can not have faith and hope because love gives birth to faith and hope.

* Love is patient

* Love does not envy

* Love does not boast

* Love is not proud

* Love does not dishonor others

* Love is not self-seeking

* Love is not easily angered

* Love does not keep a record of wrong

* Love does not delight in evil

* Love rejoices with the truth

* Love always protects

* Love always trusts

* Love always hope

* Love always preserves

 * Love never fails

Let us love each other; let us practice the love of the Father.

Let us teach and raise the next generation to love one another.

 Let us reduce the rate at which hate is growing in this generation.

 Let us stop limiting ourselves because where there is no love, growth is obstructed.

In your marriage, I encourage you to practice mature love.
Please, leave a comment and let us intentionally grow to become matured children of God.

Funmike Akinwale Fasuru!